Why DispatchTMS is the Best Choice for Trucking Company Software Services

 In the fast-paced world of logistics, efficiency is king. As a trucking company, you're constantly juggling multiple tasks—managing routes, tracking deliveries, handling maintenance schedules, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. That's where trucking software comes into play.

Advanced features of Trucking  Software:-

1. Dispatch 

The first feature of Trucking Software is Dispatch that module is built very thoughtfully keeping in mind all the daily requirements of the dispatcher for dispatching TTL, LTL and split loads. Has excess to all the required tools of dispatching at their fingertips, like entering loads, do not have to re-enter loads with duplicate info the system just copies.Tentative loads and tentative trucks board, do not have to keep track of what is available on what date its there on the board. Driver advance and Internal Updates for better communication with the team.

Movement Tracking - visibility of all movements ETA, Location, delays etc. To the whole team so anyone can update the customer. Document upload - all documents related to the load can be uploaded into the load file and they stay where they belong to for future reference. and much more…

Messages - Two-way messaging to the driver from within the load. Message alerts can be forwarded to after-hour cell phone numbers.

Load Tracking - Load can be tracked from within the load. Auto location updates in movement tracking from the app which would save dispatcher time.

2. Safety

Safety module consists of keeping track of companies safety requirements such as Assets - Under assets it has Power Units and Trailers safety files - The Power Unit and Trailer files keep Track of Power Unit and Trailer details, Ownership and its details Maintenance / Registration / Insurance details and keeps track of their expiration dates and gives alert when any of them is close to a expiration date or has expired.Maintenance / Repair maintains Logs of when, where and who the repairs were performed by.

Safety / Inspections - Keeps track of Inspections like 90 Day Inspections, Annual Inspections etc. and alerts when they are due. Driver DQ files - Maintains Driver DQ file for each driver as required by the DOT. It even keeps track of Driver violations. It alerts when Driver's license, medical card etc. is about to or has expired. and much more…

3. Accounting

Accounting module - handles accounts payables provides carrier Settlements, Owner operator settlements, and driver settlements. All settlements and be prepared with just a few clicks as the information required for the settlements flows automatically from the loads in dispatch and do not have to enter it again just edit and create a settlement.

Receivables - In receivables, you can create Invoice to bill the customer. As in Payables even to create an Invoice it take a few clicks as the information flows from the loads in dispatch. Once the Invoice is created it can be emailed with attachments right from the system to the customer. Receive Invoice(s) when invoices are paid by the customer. The System keeps track of received invoice in full, short or write offs. The Software provides document uploads to their respective files. and much more…

Dispatch TMS
Dispatch TMS

4. Reports

dispatchTMS's Best Dispatch Software provides various reports Payable Reports Carrier Payable report for all carriers / vendors or for a particular Carrier for all or a particular date range These reports can be run with cross references like for a carrier that has done loads for a particular customer with amounts.

Receivables Reports Like Outstanding Invoices by date ranges with amounts due for all or for a particular customer. Print a Payee List for any particular date range. Payees Settlement summary report with details for all payees like the number of loads with check dates, check number, deductions, and Gross amounts.1099 Report - End of the year you can get a 1099 and 1096 report Reports are printable and can also be downloaded as Excel files. and much more…

5. IFTA Reports - The system can generate quarterly IFTA Mileage Reports.

6. Work Orders

Work Order module handles Invoicing vendors who have not Tendered loads but need to be Invoiced.This is a unique feature most dispatch software's do not provide.They only let you Invoice your customers who have tendered you Loads.In this feature you can create a work order for any vendor and Every work order can have a list of multiple jobs.

The Work order keeps track of who opened and closed the work order and also who completed each Job. It also keeps track of who had requested the Job.This module provides to communicate with messages within the company with co workers for any needs or performance on each Order.Once the Order is Completed and closed it automatically flows to the accounting to be Invoiced and much more…

7. Employees

Employees Module helps you keep track of all company full time part time employees and Independent contractors maintains their Files.All the Document for the Employee file can be uploaded to their respective file.It also keeps a list of the employees emergency contacts so you have those available to you from anywhere you can login in case there ever is a need.

It also keeps track of the employees Payroll schedule and pay amount Backup /Security dispacthTMS - Its always available and is highly secured stored at different servers at different locations. The Servers are at a top tier facilities in different places and dedicatedly monitored.It’s a fully robust System. And much more…

8. Users / Control

Users Module - This module lets the administrator create users to Whom the Administrator want to give access to sign on to the dispatchTMS system. It lets the Administrator assign a user name and a password for the user to who access is granted.The Administrator has control over who get access to what level of usages of the TMS trucking dispatch software There are different levels of control the Admittatur has.

Like Dispatch user would have access to the dispatch module and would not be able to do anything else out of the dispatch module.Load planner - Would have access to the loads and assigning payments to carriers and would not have access to any other part.Accounting - Module will have all access to accounting - Like Payables, Receivables, Settlements and Invoices and Payments.and much more…

9. Terminals / Agents

Terminals - This module in dispatchTMS gives the company the capability of setting up multiple terminals. The Main office staff can have access to all the terminal loads and their follow-up, movement tracking, and internal updates But each terminal is restricted to its own load information. Each Terminal will have full access to the type of User rights given to each agent or employee in that terminal by the administrator.

All employees or agents of a terminal can have access to the company's Tentative loads and Tentative Trucks board. They can also add Tentative loads and Tentative trucks to the Board but can not delete any. All Accounting is controlled by the Main Terminal unless the company administrator decides to give access to other terminals outside of the main terminals and much more…


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